“Orphans of the Genocide” documentary
Ungh.Sevan Kolejian , welcomed the quests and thanked Rev. Fr. Mesrop Lakissian for his hospitality and allowing us to use St. Illuminators Church for our event and then introduced the members of the ARS Regional Board of Directors.
Ungh. Ani Attar, Chairperson of ARS Eastern Regional Board of Directors, welcomed everyone and thanked the ARS Erebouni and Mayr Chapters for hosting this Regional Educational Seminar.
As His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia has declared 2013 The Year of the Armenian Mother, ARS decided to dedicate this seminar to the Armenian Mother.
Armenian mothers are the pillars of our national existence, their sacrifice and dedication throughout history is highly commendable. The Armenian mother is the caregiver, educator, a hero and a role model in our national life. As the famous writer Hovannes Shiraz wrote:
Mer houysi toorn eh mayrs
Mer dan madurn eh mayrs
Mer hatsn ou choo eh mayrs Mer teghn ou jarn eh mayrs
Mer dan jerakn eh mayrs
We salute and honor our Armenian Mothers for their continued selfless act in meeting the humanitarian need of the Armenia people in Armenia and the Diaspora. Ms. Attar Introduced guest speakers Dr. Chris Garo Sassouni, grandson of Garo and Leola Sassouni and Mr. Bared Maronian, producer and film maker, of the “Orphans of the Genocide” documentary. Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian, Pastor of St. Illuminator’s Cathedral offered his words of appreciation thanking all the participants and wishing them well as they return to their communities near and far. The seminar concluded by Rev. Lakissian’s benediction.