Father Tarazi, a prominent biblical scholar who has authored more than fifteen books and prepared Orthodox Audio Bible Commentary on the entire Bible (over 175 hours of recording), masterfully expounded the meaning of 2 Timothy 3:16: “All scripture is inspired by God…” The phrase “inspired by God” in classical Armenian is Asdvadzashoonch (from theopneustos in Greek), one of the words Armenians use for the Bible. After a very engaging and dynamic presentation, a lively discussion ensued.
The program began with the Lenten Service (Husgoom) from 7:30-8:00pm, followed by the lecture and Q/A (8:00-8:45pm), and concluded with table fellowship. Next Wednesday, Dn. Shant Kazanjian, AREC Director, will speak on “Bible Readings in the Armenian Church during Great Lent, Holy Week and Eastertide.”